Fiverr Social media marketing test answers august 2022 | Fiverr earnwithfs


Fiverr Social media marketing test answers august 2022 | Fiverr earnwithfs

Fiverr Social media marketing test answers august 2022

in this article i will provide 60  Fiverr Social media marketing test answers 2022. if you want to get 100% sscore in Fiverr Social media marketing test then read this article care fuly and til the end thanks 

 Fiverr Social media marketing test answers 2022 | earnwithfs  ( Q NO. 1 to Q NO 20 )


How can a company use the same material for both traditional and social network marketing?

    a   Posting a luring comment on Twitter to the company site

    b   Selling ad space on the company website

    c   Utilizing a television ad campaign online as well on their site and sites such as YouTube

    d   Creating a magazine print ad with the company website


What is the term adopted for updates posted by Twitter users?

    a   Tweets

    b   Twoots

    c   Twinks

    d   Posts

fiverr social media marketing test


What is “social media optimization”?

    a   Creating content which easily creates publicity via social networks

    b   Writing clear content

    c   Creating short content which is easily indexed

    d   Hiring people to create content for social networks


What do Connections on LinkedIn effectively represent?

    a   Random strangers who found the company

    b   People the company has sold product or services to

    c   An avenue to disperse coupons

    d   People and other companies the user is connected to directly


What is meant by the “blogosphere”?

    a   The act of writing a blog

    b   Specific niche blog community

    c   The interconnected community of blogs via linking to each other

    d   Advertising done via blogging

fiverr social media marketing test


What is meant by “micro-blogging”?

    a   Blogging daily

    b   Blogs which are posted by companies, not individuals

    c   Blogs with limited individual posts, limited by character count typically

    d   Blogging from mobile devices


Which type of marketing would a company blog be considered?

    a   Social Network Marketing

    b   Traditional Marketing

    c   Both

    d   Neither


How does a blog directly impact sales of a company?

    a   It tells customers what products to buy

    b   It can be used to talk negatively about the competition

    c   It is typically used as the way to disperse company coupons

    d   Typically a blog does not directly create sales


What is a method of marketing on Facebook which can reach several users by spending money?

    a   Pay money for a better quality Facebook account

    b   Pay a third party to make posts to your account

    c   Charge a fee for users to be your friends

    d   Facebook Pay Per Click placed advertisements


Using which of the following two methods can a company ensure that the proper audience finds their YouTube videos?

    a   Post links on the company blog to the YouTube videos

    b   There is no method to effectively direct people to the company videos

    c   Use of keywords

    d   Sending out mail advertisements


What can a company do on Facebook apart from their page to create a following?

    a   Post more updates than usual

    b   Post controversial posts

    c   Use several pictures

    d   Use Groups, both company originated and posting to other groups


What is meant by A/B testing in marketing?

    a   Testing of 2 different products 

    b   Testing 2 versions of an advertisement to see which elicits the best response 

    c   Clinical testing of medical products before legally allowing them for sale

    d   Testing via 2 mediums, such as radio and television



What do updates to Facebook status resemble most closely?

    a   Video blogs

    b   Posts on Twitter

    c   A company white paper

    d   Articles on LinkedIn


What is another term for “social media”?

    a   Media Optimization

    b   Consumer Generated Media

    c   Advertising Socialization

    d   Consumer Media Advertising


What type of status updates would drive visitors to the company site?

    a   An update telling friends they hope to see them all soon

    b   A link to a new press release hosted on the company site

    c   A link to a third party hosting a company press release

    d   A picture of the CEO


What should be the length of an effective blog post?

    a   Several pages in length

    b   No more than a few sentences

    c   A few sentences mixed with several links to other sites and references

    d   A few paragraphs


What is meant by “Marketing Creative”?

    a   The employees in the marketing department

    b   The content for marketing and its creative aspect

    c   The methods used to distribute marketing material

    d   The branding image of the company

you are watching fiverr social media marketing test, social media marketing fiverr test 2020, social media marketing skill test answers fiverr 2020


How can a company place itself as an expert in a certain area of expertise?

    a   Post updates which brag about the company

    b   Actively answer questions in the Q&A section of the site

    c   Post comments on competitors pages stating how they are inferior

    d   Answer the questions in all the categories, even the ones in which the company is not engaged.


What is the term used for a person who is receiving updates of another Twitter user’s updates?

    a   User

    b   Follower

    c   Connection

    d   Friend


What does the product portion of the 4 P’s of marketing focus on?

    a   The product or service being marketed to consumers

    b   The manufacturing process

    c   How the price will be set for the product

    d   How the new product will be promoted

Fiverr Social media marketing test answers 2022 | earnwithfs  ( Q NO. 21 to Q NO 40 )


What should a company post on Twitter?

    a   New product launches

    b   Significant company news

    c   Occasional day to day posts of interest

    d   All of the above


How is site traffic useful in evaluating marketing?

    a   Overall site traffic can be followed and a general idea of marketing’s impact on it can be determined

    b   There is no correlation between site traffic and marketing

    c   Ads can send receivers to a specific landing page, which can be tracked

    d   Product sales from the company website can be attributed directly to the marketing campaign


What would the marketing budget section of a marketing plan consist of?

    a   The cost to write the plan

    b   The expected costs for each ad campaign based on the delivery method

    c   The overall marketing budget for a year

    d   The marketing personnel job descriptions


How can a company create a forum for dialogue on LinkedIn?

    a   Post updates to the company status

    b   Use of Groups

    c   Change the company profile regularly

    d   Post demeaning comments for the competitors’ pages


What is the method for being linked to other users on LinkedIn?

    a   Followers

    b   Connections

    c   Friends

    d   Associates


What is one measure a company can use to validate the usefulness of its video posts on YouTube?

    a   The number of followers

    b   The amount of views of the video 

    c   The number of videos the company has up

    d   The sales volume of the company 


How often should a marketing plan be revisited?

    a   Never, once written it is complete

    b   As often as needed in order to revisit the plan of action and revise any new actions

    c   At company board meetings

    d   During the financial review of the company each month


What is the overall goal of social media marketing for companies?

    a   Generate sales

    b   Increase company headcount

    c   Increase their web presence

    d   Help accelerate product launches


What place does Pricing have in marketing?

    a   Higher prices guarantee a higher revenue stream

    b   The company should actively market how much their products cost

    c   Different pricing levels can be tested to see what elicits the best consumer response

    d   Marketing based on the pricing level relative to competition is important


What should a company do for commercial advertisements on YouTube in order to maximize their effectiveness?

    a   Ask the watcher to visit the company site at the end of the video

    b   Make the videos at least 5 minutes long

    c   Make the videos under 10 seconds

    d   Have the CEO featured in the advertisement


Which of the following would be leveraging both social network and traditional marketing?

    a   Handing out print advertisements with a coupon for a store

    b   A print advertisement in a magazine which drives people to a website where there is a free trial offer

    c   Posting an advertisement on a message board

    d   Hosting a video ad on YouTube not otherwise seen elsewhere


What style of videos can a company post on YouTube?

    a   Video Blogs

    b   Television Commercials

    c   Product Demonstrations

    d   All of the above


How does creating a social network marketing plan differ from a traditional marketing plan?

    a   The brand image should be completely different for social marketing

    b   The staff requirements and skill sets for social marketing are different

    c   There is no need for a social marketing plan, but social marketing plan is required for traditional marketing

    d   Other than the method of delivery, a marketing plan either way will be similar



How can a company convert posts on Twitter to sales?

    a   Write demeaning points about the competition

    b   Write posts about personal information of the CEO

    c   Creating posts which drive followers to their site

    d   Constantly post updates about how the company needs more sales


What non financial measure of marketing is important to track?

    a   CEO performance

    b   Number of new hires in marketing

    c   Number of impressions

    d   New customer acquisition


Which of the following is an important aspect of creating blogs and posting content?

    a   Using a witty user name

    b   Posting at least once a month to the blog

    c   Social Media Optimization

    d   Using humor


What is a “vlog”?

    a   Video Log

    b   Video Blog

    c   Log of blog activity

    d   New technology to aid in blogging


How do ebooks represent a form of marketing?

    a   They are often free, include useful information, and direct the reader onto the company which created the ebook for further information

    b   They are not a form of marketing

    c   They can be placed on free sites where paid advertisements generate income

    d   They can be used to defame the competition


What are the four P’s of marketing?

    a   Product, Price, Place, Promotion

    b   Price, Popularity, People, Placement

    c   Popularity, Product, Promotion, People

    d   People, Price, Promotion, Placement


Why is there no specific definition of what is social media marketing?

    a   There is no governing body over social media marketing

    b   Companies cannot come to one definition

    c   The concept is relatively new compared to traditional marketing and is still being defined

    d   It has not yet been widely accepted 

Fiverr Social media marketing test answers 2022 | earnwithfs  ( Q NO. 41 to Q NO 60 )


What ought to an organization post on Twitter? 

1.     New product launches 

2.     Significant company news 

3.     Occasional day‐to‐day posts of interest 

4.     All the on top of 


however, is website traffic helpful in evaluating marketing? 

1.     Overall website traffic will be followed and a general plan of marketing’s impact on that will be determined Page 2 

2.     There is no correlation between website traffic and promoting 

3.     Ads will send receivers to a selected landing page, which may be tracked 

4.     Product sales from the corporate website will be attributed on to the promoting campaign 


What would the promoting budget section of a promoting arrange consist of? 

1.     The cost to jot down the arrangement 

2.     The expected prices for every cause supported the delivery methodology 

3.     The overall promoting take into account a year 

4.     The promoting personnel job descriptions 


How will an organization produce a forum for dialogue on LinkedIn? 

1.     Post updates to the corporate standing 

2.     Use of teams 

3.     Change the corporate profile frequently 

4.     Post humbling comments for the competitors’ pages


What is the strategy for being coupled to different users on LinkedIn? 


2.     Connection 

3.     Friends 

4.     Associates 


What is one live an organization will use to validate the quality of its video posts on YouTube? 

1.     The number of followers 

2.     The amount of views of the video 

3.     The number of videos the corporate has up 

4.     The sales volume of the corporate 


How usually ought to a promoting arrange be revisited? 

1.     Never, once written it's complete 

2.     As usually PRN to return the arrangement of action and revise any new actions 

3.     At company board conferences 

4.     During the monetary review of the corporate monthly 


What is the goal of social media promoting for companies? 

1.     Generate sales 

2.     Increase company head count 

3.     Increase their internet presence 

4.     Help accelerate product launches 


What place will evaluation have in marketing? 

1.     Higher costs guarantee the next revenue stream 

2.     The company ought to actively market what proportion their product value 

3.     Different evaluation levels will be tested to examine what elicits the most effective client response 

4.     Marketing supported the evaluation level relative to the competition is vital 


What ought to an organization do for industrial advertisements on YouTube to maximize its effectiveness? 

1.     Ask the watcher to go to the corporate website at the tip of the video 

2.     Make the videos a minimum of five minutes long 

3.     Make the videos beneath ten seconds 

4.     Have the chief executive officer featured within the publicity 


What is the main reason traditional marketing will never completely go away?

    a   It is cheaper than social media marketing

    b   All companies are required by law to use traditional marketing techniques

    c   There are better tax write offs for traditional marketing

    d   It’s proven to work time and again


Why is it important to have a company blog hosted on the company web domain versus a third party blogging site?

    a   Required by law

    b   Search engine rankings will include hits on the blog as part of the overall website hits

    c   Requires less effort to maintain

    d   Cannot be hacked easily


What style of blogging would be most effective for building relationships with customers?

    a   Using the blog only for press releases

    b   Posting resumes of the company officers

    c   Posting articles about how terrific the company is, and putting down the competition

    d   Writing posts about the company and its ups and downs from inside, personalized approach



What traditional marketing technique is YouTube closest to?

    a   Print advertising

    b   Television advertising

    c   Radio advertising

    d   Mail advertising


What can a company do to offset the cost of running a blog?

    a   Place ads on the blog which generate pay per click income

    b   Charge users a fee to read the blog

    c   Only allow past customers to read the blog

    d   Require a monthly membership to the entire company website


What is meant by Brand Management?

    a   Managing the marketing staff

    b   Management of the marketing budget

    c   The company executive management team

    d   Creating a consistent image for the company


What methods of social network marketing should a company always use?

    a   Blogging only

    b   Twitter, Blogs, Facebook

    c   YouTube

    d   Depends on the company, their product, their audience


What feature does LinkedIn offer for pay accounts?

    a   Ability to post pictures

    b   Increased abilities to connect directly and send messages to people

    c   Ability to post in Groups and create a Group

    d   Ability to block users


What is a contingency plan?

    a   A second written plan in case management doesn’t like the original plan

    b   A detailed marketing plan

    c   A set of actions to be taken if the original plan does not perform as anticipated

    d   A marketing plan written just for social networking


Which of the following is an easy way to track the website hits of a specific marketing campaign with a link to the company website?

    a   Hire a web specialty firm

    b   Implement special software

    c   Creating landing pages specific for each campaign

    d   There is no way to know where traffic comes from 

thanks for reading !

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