Fiverr English Basic Skills Test Answers August 2022 | English test Answers

 Fiverr English Basic Skills Test Answers August 2022 | earnwithfs

Fiverr English Basic Skills Test Answers August 2022

In this article I will provide you 65 Fiverr English Basic Skills Test Answers August 2022.if you want to get full marks in English test Answers then read this article very carefully. 

Fiverr English Basic Skills Test Answers August 2022 | English test Answers (Q No. 1 to Q No 20) 

1. Hiring freelancers does not cost _____ as bringing in a new employee.

  • as
  • very much
  • so
  • A lot

2. How far is _____ from the airport to the hotel?

  •  you can
  •  did you get
  •  I found it
  •  get

3. Many people have difficulty _____ entrance exams for IT courses at the Snell Institute.

  •  to pass
  •  by passing
  •  passing
  •  pass

4. No one has yet successfully _____ developed the original design of Ms. Glaser logo for our company.

  •  in 
  •  to
  •  over
  •  with

5. _____ someone sends me a text, I get back to him within 10 minutes.

  • Still
  • Anyway
  • Whenever
  • Other than that

6. Feedback on our new package design has been positive _____.

  • to escape
  • excessive
  • overwhelmingly
  • very much

7. When you leave the bread out, _______ gets old.

  • would
  • would have
  • will
  • had to

8. Are you in charge of _____

  • .
  • ,
  • ;
  • ?

9. When we take flight at 9:30, _____ is too late.

  • will come
  • arrive
  • will arrive
  • I would have arrived

10. How many guests are we waiting for ___

  • .
  • ?
  • !
  • ,

11. Mr. Mettner said _____ mortgage deposit for the apartment.

  • has not yet received it
  • they had not yet received it
  • hasn't yet received
  • who has not yet accepted

12. Martin Beale _____ all legal matters of RTG Plastics Inc.

  • deals
  • it does
  • handles
  • he is planning

13. Next February Roger ______ in his new job for six months.

  • will work
  •  will be working
  • will work
  • will work

14. If you're in town next week, we should be _____ together.

  • dinner
  • dinner
  • dinner
  • dinner

15. People will be able to set up websites on _____ because the forum is simple.

  • itself
  • themselves
  • mine
  • hehe

16. Ms. Arguello did not expect her podcast to be popular _____.

  • so
  • well
  • such
  • very much

17. If Rebecca had sent a copy of the transcript, we are _____ yesterday.

  • would have receive
  • they can find
  • he had found it
  • you are welcome

18. We are looking to hire someone with a strong _____ in management.

  • training
  • the past
  • in the background
  • history

19. Hiring freelancers does not cost _____ as bringing in a new employee.

  • as
  • very much
  • so
  • A lot

20. How to _____ from the airport to the hotel?

  • you can
  • did you get
  • I found it
  • get

Fiverr English Basic Skills Test Answers August 2022 | English test Answers (Q No.21 to Q No 40) 

21. The factory floor manager started generator _____ power out.

  • while
  • so
  • however
  • because

22. Ms. Fiallos was not a _____ truck driver because he did not have a valid driver's license.

  • available
  • it's worth it
  • eligible
  • accessible

23. When he found out that the bag did not belong to him, he tried to find out that _____ belonged to him.

  • who
  • whose
  • his own
  • his

24. Sites like are _____ a way to send large documents.

  • very good
  • the best
  • the better
  • one very good one

25. The large frame makes the image _____ difficult to hang on the wall.

  • very much
  • and
  • such as
  • too

26. Many people have difficulty applying for admission to IT courses at the Snell Institute.

  • to pass
  • by passing
  • passing
  • pass

27. The sales status was unacceptable, so I wanted them to give me my money _____.

  • over
  • back
  • up
  • without

28. If Ms. Hernandez _____ had been in the ad company for many years, she would not have had as many clients as an independent contractor.

  • didn't worked
  • I was not working
  • it would not have worked
  • does not work

29. We usually start with the marketing phase, even if we have not yet completed _____ product development.

  • with 
  • without
  • up
  • turned off

30. 01. For all of us, Jose was the one _____ who got the highest score on the test.

  • he
  • WHO
  • which
  • see

31. I have never seen a specific specification such as _____.

  • this
  • see
  • these
  • their

32. _____ On Wednesday, two key people in the design team called the sick.

  • On
  • Since
  • Until
  • Next

33.When is _____ us the final draft of the report?

  • he sends
  • you will send
  • I sent you
  • will send

34. Robert will be at work until 6pm unless Tony _____ takes over for him first.

  • came
  • he was coming
  • would come
  • he had arrived

35. Mr. Weiss regards his company's move to Canada as _____.

  • success
  • successful
  • succeed
  • has succeeded

36. Try to guess the meaning of a word without looking it up in a _____ dictionary.

  • without
  • over
  • up
  • through

37. When Brandon finishes his job at 5:00, _____ with us at Rosewood Cafe.

  • we will meet
  • meets
  • he met
  • will meet

38. Last year's budget report was thoroughly researched _____.

  • well
  • very much
  • it's good
  • perfect

39. Ms. Arguello did not expect her podcast to be popular _____.

  • so
  • well
  • such
  • very much

40. If Rebecca sent part of the copy, we are _____ yesterday.

  • would have received
  • they can find
  • he had found it
  • you are welcome

Fiverr English Basic Skills Test Answers August 2022 | English test Answers (Q No.41 to Q No 65) 

41. Please forgive me _____ for not informing you of any problems we had with the new software.

  • to
  • with
  • for
  • about

42. _____ sent you to bring the printer?

  • Where
  • What
  • WHO
  • Why

43. No one found that _____ caused a power failure.

  • this
  • see
  • How
  • what


44. ___ for twelve years, Opal Systems has been designing applications for government institutions.

  • Ku
  • for
  • Because
  • In between

45. Ricardo's manager _____ tells the client how to use the software.

  • be encouraged
  • heard
  • reminded
  • he told

46. The number of _____ houses in the southern part of the city has increased over the past five years.

  • provided
  • it pays
  • affordable
  • to pay

47. Russell rarely works on weekends. _____, you will do something different for this client.

  • However
  • Although
  • Therefore
  • For now

48. _____ of us are going anywhere this weekend because there is so much work to do.

  • None
  • Most
  • Everything
  • Nothing


49. Work to produce _____ smoothly while Ms. Kurtz is on vacation.

  • ran
  • it runs
  • gijima
  • he runs

50. Choose a sentence with appropriate punctuation marks. First I will send you a document ________________

  • . Then I will charge you.
  • : I will charge you then.
  • ; then I will bill you.
  • then I will charge you

51. ​​Committee _____ quality control function for Karl Mertz.

  • assigned
  • planted
  • provided
  • contribute

52. If I had my _____ vacation in March, I would not have met Mr. Edwards.

  • take
  • he can take
  • take
  • had taken

53. Most people prefer to sleep at home _____ and sleep on a plane.

  • from
  • with
  • for
  • to


54. Mr. Ibanez gave _____ to call Mr. Hansen after Mr. Hansen did not reply to his messages.

  • in the middle
  • without
  • over
  • up

56. Tomas decided to visit the _____ sisters in Amsterdam in April.

  • its
  • his
  • his
  • their

57. Fortunately, Mona remembered _____ an additional set of keys to give to Max.

  • to bring
  • bring
  • about delivery
  • to bring

58. Who will _____ inform her that her application for a flat amendment has been approved?

  • Eric called
  •  called Eric
  • He called Eric
  • Call Eric

59. Which of the following sentences is marked correctly?

  • "I can get you to the airport in fifteen minutes," said the taxi driver.
  • "I can get you to the airport in fifteen minutes," the taxi driver said.
  • "I can find you at the airport in fifteen minutes," said the taxi driver.
  • "I can find you at the airport in fifteen minutes," said the taxi driver.

60. An hour later, the mechanic was able to pull the _____ wheel wheel.

  • without
  • separately
  • out
  • turned off

61. It is important to include _____ in _____ for any new project.

  • time, planning
  • time, planning
  • time, the planning
  • time, planning

62. Monday is a holiday, _____ Emily will contact you on Tuesday.

  • because
  • though
  • so
  • therefore

63. _____ shipping to our supplier was delayed, I was able to process multiple orders.

  • Still
  • Although
  • Because
  • Despite

64. Which of the following sentences is marked correctly?

  • The lunch truck arrived with a hamburger and three hot dogs and an apple.
  • The lunch truck arrived with nothing more than a hamburger, three hot dogs and, an apple turnover.
  • The lunch truck arrived empty-handed, a hamburger, three hot dogs, and the price of apples.
  • The lunch truck arrived with a hamburger, three hot dogs and the price of apples.

65. Ms. Costas relies on _____ on three major accounts for most of his business.

  • for
  • on
  • in the middle
  • after

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