Fiverr English Basic Skills Test Answers 2022 | Update All answer part-2

 Fiverr English Basic Skills Test Answers 2022 | Update All answer part-2

In this article I will provide you 60 Fiverr English Basic Skills Test Answers 2022 | Update All answer part-2 like part 1 so if you want to get full 100% score in Fiverr English basic skill test then read this article till end

Fiverr English Basic Skills Test Answers 2022 |

Fiverr English Basic Skills Test Answers 2022 part 2 (Q No. 61to Q No. 120) 

Fiverr English Basic Skills Test Answers 2022 part 2 (Q No. 61to Q No. 80) 

61.)Ms. Arguello did not expect her podcast to be popular _____.

  • so
  • well
  • such
  • very much

62.)If Rebecca sent part of the copy, we are _____ yesterday.

  • would have received
  • they can find
  • he had found it
  • you are welcome

63.)We are looking to hire someone with a strong _____ in management.

  • training
  • the past
  • background
  • history

64.)Hiring freelancers does not cost _____ as bringing in a new employee.

  • as
  • very much
  • so
  • A lot

65.)How far is _____ from the airport to the hotel?

  •  you can
  •  did you get
  •  I found it
  •  get

66.)Hiring freelancers does not cost _____ as bringing in a new employee.

  • as
  • very much
  • so
  • A lot

67.)How to _____ from the airport to the hotel?

  • you can
  • did you get
  • I found it
  • get

68.)Many people have difficulty applying for admission to IT courses at the Snell Institute.

  • to pass
  • by passing
  • passing
  • pass

69.)The sales status was unacceptable, so I wanted them to give me my money _____.

  • over
  • back
  • up
  • without

70.)If Ms. Hernandez _____ had been in the ad company for many years, she would not have had as many clients as an independent contractor.

  • didn't worked
  • I was not working
  • it would not have worked
  • does not work

71.)Many people have difficulty _____ entrance exams for IT courses at the Snell Institute.

  •  to pass
  •  by passing
  •  passing
  •  pass

72.)Feedback on our new package design has been positive _____.

  • to escape
  • excessive
  • overwhelmingly
  • very much

73.)When you leave the bread out, _______ gets old.

  • would
  • would have
  • will
  • had to

74.)Are you in charge of _____

  • .
  • ,
  • ;
  • ?

75.)When we take flight at 9:30, _____ is too late.

  • will come
  • arrive
  • will arrive
  • I would have arrived

76.)We usually start with the marketing phase, even if we have not yet completed _____ product development.

  • with 
  • without
  • up
  • turned off

77.)For all of us, Jose was the one _____ who got the highest score on the test.

  • he
  • WHO
  • which
  • see

78.)I have never seen a specific specification such as _____.

  • this
  • see
  • these
  • their

79.)When Brandon finishes his job at 5:00, _____ with us at Rosewood Cafe.

  • we will meet
  • meets
  • he met
  • will meet

80.)Last year's budget report was thoroughly researched _____.

  • well
  • very much
  • it's good
  • perfect

Fiverr English Basic Skills Test Answers 2022 part 2 (Q No. 81 to Q No. 100) Fiverr English Basic Skills Test Answers 2022 part 2 (Q No. 81 to Q No. 100) 

81.)People will be able to set up websites on _____ because the forum is simple.

  • itself
  • themselves
  • mine
  • he

82.)The factory floor manager started generator _____ power out.

  • while
  • so
  • however
  • because

83.)No one found that _____ caused a power failure.

  • this
  • see
  • How
  • what


84.)___ for twelve years, Opal Systems has been designing applications for government institutions.

  • Ku
  • for
  • Because
  • In between

85.)Ricardo's manager _____ tells the client how to use the software.

  • be encouraged
  • heard
  • reminded
  • he told

86.)Ms. Costas relies on _____ on three major accounts for most of his business.

  • for
  • on
  • in the middle
  • after


87.)Which of the following sentences is marked correctly?

  • Everyone in the copyright department constantly checks each other's work.
  • Everyone in the copyright department constantly checks the work of others.
  • Everyone in the copywriting department always checks each others work.
  • Everyone in the copy department is constantly checking to see if others are working.

88.)Heavy traffic jams prevented Lila _____ from arriving at the airport on time.

  • from
  • to
  • for
  • against

89.)Mr. Yes you are selling _____ at a local hardware store.

  • only
  • only
  • the only
  • only

90.)___________, the report will be done next .

  • Whether I take on another job or not
  • Whenever I take another job or not
  • Whether I take another job or not
  • I don’t take another job or not

91.)_____ What does the back button of the machine do?

  • This
  • Which
  • Why
  • What does

92.)The _____ submission to the design competition is March 3.

  • finish
  • the goal
  • the limit
  • deadline

93.)Monday is a holiday, _____ Emily will contact you on Tuesday.

  • because
  • though
  • so
  • therefore

94.)_____ shipping to our supplier was delayed, I was able to process multiple orders.

  • Still
  • Although
  • Because
  • Despite

95.)Which of the following sentences is marked correctly?

  • The lunch truck arrived with a hamburger and three hot dogs and an apple.
  • The lunch truck arrived with nothing more than a hamburger, three hot dogs and, an apple turnover.
  • The lunch truck arrived empty-handed, a hamburger, three hot dogs, and the price of apples.
  • The lunch truck arrived with a hamburger, three hot dogs and the price of apples

96.)Which of the following sentences is marked correctly?

  • "I can get you to the airport in fifteen minutes," said the taxi driver.
  • "I can get you to the airport in fifteen minutes," the taxi driver said.
  • "I can find you at the airport in fifteen minutes," said the taxi driver.
  • "I can find you at the airport in fifteen minutes," said the taxi driver.

97.)An hour later, the mechanic was able to pull the _____ wheel wheel.

  • without
  • separately
  • out
  • turned off

98.)It is important to include _____ in _____ for any new project.

  • time, planning
  • time, planning
  • time, the planning
  • time, planning


99.)Please forgive me _____ for not informing you of any problems we had with the new software.

  • to
  • with
  • for
  • about

100.)_____ sent you to bring the printer?

  • Where
  • What
  • WHO
  • Why

Fiverr English Basic Skills Test Answers 2022 part 2 (Q No. 101 to Q No. 120) 

101.)The number of _____ houses in the southern part of the city has increased over the past five years.

  • provided
  • it pays
  • affordable
  • to pay

102.)Russell rarely works on weekends. _____, you will do something different for this client.

  • However
  • Although
  • Therefore
  • For now

103.)_____ of us are going anywhere this weekend because there is so much work to do.

  • None
  • Most
  • Everything
  • Nothing


104.)Work to produce _____ smoothly while Ms. Kurtz is on vacation.

  • ran
  • it runs
  • gijima
  • he runs

105.)Choose a sentence with appropriate punctuation marks. First I will send you a document ________________

  • . Then I will charge you.
  • : I will charge you then.
  • ; then I will bill you.
  • then I will charge you.

106.)Fortunately, Mona remembered _____ an additional set of keys to give to Max.

  • to bring
  • bring
  • about delivery
  • to bring

107.)Who will _____ inform her that her application for a flat amendment has been approved?

  • Eric called
  •  called Eric
  • He called Eric
  • Call Eric

108.)_____ happened after I left work yesterday?

  • What
  • This
  • Where
  • How

109.)Please continue to use the front door _____ delivery area is too large to enter the door.

  • if
  • to
  • what
  • until

110.)Ms. Elkin was carrying two bags when he arrived, _____?

  • he did not
  • he was with her
  • hadn't she
  • is he

111.)The new operating system should significantly reduce _____ time it takes to load documents.

  • number
  • number
  • size
  • amount


112.)Ms. Fiallos was not a _____ truck driver because he did not have a valid driver's license.

  • available
  • it's worth it
  • eligible
  • accessible

113.)When he found out that the bag did not belong to him, he tried to find out that _____ belonged to him.

  • who
  • whose
  • his own
  • his

114.)Sites like are _____ a way to send large documents.

  • very good
  • the best
  • the better
  • one very good one

115.)The large frame makes the image _____ difficult to hang on the wall.

  • very much
  • and
  • such as
  • too

 116.)_____ On Wednesday, two key people in the design team called the sick.

  • On
  • Since
  • Until
  • Next

117.)When is _____ us the final draft of the report?

  • he sends
  • you will send
  • I sent you
  • will send

118.)Robert will be at work until 6pm unless Tony _____ takes over for him first.

  • came
  • he was coming
  • would come
  • he had arrived

119.)Mr. Weiss regards his company's move to Canada as _____.

  • success
  • successful
  • succeed
  • has succeeded

120.)Try to guess the meaning of a word without looking it up in a _____ dictionary.

  • without
  • over
  • up
  • through
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